Brian C. Padgett, Suspended Las Vegas Attorney, Hiding Out, Renting a Room From a Friend at 2508 Valdanos Place, Henderson NV

Brian Padgett, “peeping through the window” (upper right) hiding out renting a room at the house of a woman friend at 2508 Valdanos Place in Henderson, NV.
Brian C. Padgett, who is up to his ear lobes in all kinds of legal trouble, including his 5-year suspensiton from the Nevada state bar which prevents him from practicing as an attorney, has been trying to keep his whereabouts hidden.
But we’ve found him.
He’s allegedly currently living with a woman he’s befriended, renting a room at her place in Henderson. The address: 2508 Valdanos Place, Henderson, NV 89044.
So all you servers out there trying to track him down, there you go. You’re welcome.
SUSPENDED: Brian C. Padgett, Las Vegas Attorney, Suspended for 5 Years from the Nevada Bar by the Nevada State Supreme Court
In the continuing drama/saga of disgraced Nevada attorney Brian Padgett, we got word that he has been suspended by the Nevada state bar for five years. This effectively prevents him from working as an attorney during that time.
His troubles compound on a monthly and yearly basis, and in the meantime, he’s trying to lay low by hiding out in the house of a woman friend at 2508 Valdanos Place, Henderson NV 89044. Process servers, you’d better get there quickly, because with this now published, we’re sure that he will bounce out of there to try to find another hideout.
Good luck!
Brian C. Padgett, Bar No. 7474, Arrested
It looks like one of my favorite Las Vegas attorneys, Brian C. Padgett, has finally hit the big time. And by that, I mean he hit the pages of the Las Vegas Review Journal, which published a story by Glen Puit the day after we posted a similar story about Padgett being arrested and charged with passing $400,000 in bad checks. (Las Vegas attorney charged with writing $400K in bad checks)
In the story, Puit wrote,
“The criminal complaint states Padgett wrote checks, one for $350,000 and one for $50,000, that bounced.”
And also,
“Clark County prosecutor Michael Giles said in a recent Justice Court hearing that Padgett was arrested by Las Vegas police “in his vehicle in a McDonald’s parking lot in the middle of the night.”
Nice detail there.
We’ll be watching to see how this plays out. At least for now Padgett is getting some attention from law enforcement and other media. About time. All you need to do is read through the articles on this website detailing the litany of issues Padgett has been involved with during his adult life here in Las Vegas. And check out our sister sites, and his baby mamma’s website, for more information and other detailed stories.
Brian C. Padgett, We’ve Got a New Tattoo Suggestion:
Your Inmate Number on Your Alleged Girlfriend’s
Torso (Your Thoughts?)
Hey Brian! We have an idea we’d like to get your feedback on. How about you get your alleged girlfriend, Natalie Lieberman, to add your inmate number to her side tattoo (see above suggestion). What do you think? (Font selection is up to you and her, of course.)
I know you were allegedly picked up on a felony bench warrant earlier this week and that you are now in custody in Clark County Detention Center for writing some $400,000 in bad checks and that you’re currently sitting in jail wearing your inmate No. 01667502 patch. Check out my post on my sister site that is examining your baby mama’s background and current events:
The Nevada State Bar, in their complaint filed against you, has recommended you be disbarred for five years, which begs the question: why only five years?
Looks like you’re finally getting a taste of your just desserts. We’ll see more of what’s on that menu as time goes by.
I guess your baby mama’s clout (that’s who I call Jennifer Lazovich, the out of wedlock mother of Padgett’s children — baby mama) that she bragged to me about before couldn’t keep her baby daddy out of jail?
Stay tuned as the story advances.
Brian C. Padgett and CWNevada Buried Under
Court-Imposed Fines, Penalties & License Revocations
Here’s a headline that should get CWNevada’s Brian C. Padgett’s attention; it’s from the Nevada Independent: “Cannabis company faces record penalty, loses licenses amid allegations of maintaining off-the-books marijuana, destroying evidence“.
Yes, that cannabis company is Padgett’s own CWNevada, hit with an avalanche of fines and settlements. I’ll pull out some of the highlights, as reported in the Nevada Independent article:
- “penalty … appears to be the largest in state history against a marijuana company”
“revokes licenses from CW Nevada” - “forces the company to pay $1.25 million in penalties to settle allegations that the company had large quantities of marijuana off-the-books”
- “sold cannabis that appeared to be untested and destroyed evidence”
- “illegally moving marijuana around”
- “failing to maintain video surveillance that would document product movements”
- “inaccuracies in record-keeping in the state’s seed-to-sale tracking system METRC”
- “six of CW Nevada’s marijuana licenses have been revoked” (eight remain active)
- “As of March, the company owes the state back taxes of more than $1.5 million“
- “various others have made claims against the company totaling nearly $207 million“
- “the receiver has determined that about $32 million of those claims are allowable“
- “agreement says the state will continue to pursue civil penalties and fines against majority owner and manager Brian Padgett individually, as well as revoking his marijuana agent card”
- “the value of the licenses that were revoked is about $4.5 million to $6.75 million“
- “the company will be dissolved at the end of the receivership“
“Buried” is the word I would use.
Brian C. Padgett, Bar No. 7474 – the Deadbeat of All Deadbeats; Won’t Even Show Up to Mandated Court Appearances as a Defendant & Attorney Representing Himself
A bench warrant will be issued for defendant Brian C. Padgett, says a Clark County, Nevada, judge. Padgett is both the defendant and attorney in the case, and represents himself.
According to court records, Brian C. Padgett, Nevada State Bar No. 7474, has missed so many court dates (four, and counting … ), that a judge, when presented with evidence of such, said the court had no alternative but to issue a bench warrant for the arrest of Padgett as a result of such contempt.
Padgett ignored a court date in February and was hit with a $250 sanction for failure to appear. Padgett failed to appear at another court date in early March and was hit with another $250 in sanctions as a result. He failed to appear at yet another court date in early April and was hit with yet another sanction fine of $500. Total to date is $1,000.
Also, during one of the court dates he was missed, the plaintiff in the case requested that Padgett pay her legal fees. Because Padgett was not there to give an opposing view, the judge granted the plaintiff some $42,000 in legal fees.
There’s an old saying that “the world is run by those who show up.” Apparently Brian C. Padgett is ok with letting others determine his fate.
Why Do I Call Brian C. Padgett (Bar No. 7474) the King of All Cowards? (Listen to Audio Below)
A: When he wakes up next to a dead woman, his first concern is minimizing his personal involvement. (After admitting his own cocaine use.)
B. Padgett constantly bad-mouths me but has yet to show the courage to confront me. (Except for a weak attempt at a DDOS attack. HA!)
C. He’s a real “MENTAL MIDGET” – thinking he could steal $1.2 Million from senior citizens and figure that would be OK.
Listen to Henderson Police interview of Brian Padgett: