Author Archives: Steve B
Brian C. Padgett Hid in the Back of a Las Vegas Courtroom Yesterday (Dec. 30, 2019) Like a Coward Avoiding His Victims
FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS: “The Receiver is informed and believes that there are over one hundred (100) creditors of CWNevada believed to have cumulative claims of approximately fifty-million dollars ($50,000,000)”
Download and read the entire motion: Renewed Motion to Approve Claims Process on Order Shortening Time
Connie Little and Larua Cruz (“Little Cruz”) – You Should be Ashamed of Yourselves; Assisting and Abetting Brian Padgett’s Reckless Behavior is No Way to Live Your Lives
Just in case you’ve turned a blind eye, “Little Cruz”, Brian Padgett is millions of dollars in debt, screwed elderly investors out of millions of dollars as well, not to mention all the employees that I’m sure at one time … Continue reading
Deeper Dive Into Brian Padgett’s Political Contributions Shows Much More Than Our Initial Discoveries, Thanks to Our Readers
PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Please scroll down to see our highlighted graphic. We had researched the contributions that Brian Padgett, Bar No. 7474, has made and documented what we found in yesterday’s post; but they go WAAYYYYY deeper than we initially thought. … Continue reading
Brian Padgett Political Contributions, Marijuana Licenses Granted, No Charges Filed in Henderson in Drug Use that Results in Death of Katie Howard
I am asking Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak and Nevada state Attorney General Aaron Ford as well as the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol to return contributions from admitted cocaine user, Brian C. Padgett, Nevada State Bar No. 7474, who … Continue reading
Brian Padgett, Las Vegas Lawyer, Bar No. 7474
Brian, you can run, but you can’t hide. I’m everywhere. I’m all around. I know what you’ve done. I know who you’ve fleeced. I know, literally, where the bodies can be found. And I will not be silent.